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The free weekly newspaper announced its closure via a letter posted to its office door and posts on its social media accounts Tuesday morning. :=([^&]*))?/g;function X(t){var e=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"";try{return decodeURIComponent(t)}catch(t){return e}}function W(t){var e,n=y();if(!t)return n;for(;e=F.exec(t);){var i=X(e[1],e[1]),r=e[2]?X(e[2].replace(/\+/g," "),e[2]):"";n[i]=r}return n}function $(t){var e=(t||self).location;return W(e.originalHash||e.hash)}var z="";function K(t){var e=t||self;return e.__AMP_MODE?e.__AMP_MODE:e.__AMP_MODE=function(t){return{localDev:!1,development:J(t,$(t)),esm:!1,test:!1,rtvVersion:Y(t),ssrReady:!1}}(e)}function Y(t){var e;return z||(z=(null===(e=t.AMP_CONFIG)||void 0===e?void 0:e.v)||"01".concat("2207071723000")),z}function J(t,e){var n=e||$(t);return["1","actions","amp","amp4ads","amp4email"].includes(n.development)||! 16 Views. ")>0,"Expected a . 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During Operation Cracked Ice, 22 of the 23 people were arrested. Montbonnot-Saint-Martin ( French pronunciation: [mbno s mat] ( listen)) is a commune in the Isre department in southeastern France. "==t)return"";var n=new RegExp("[?&]".concat("(amp_(js[^&=]*|gsa|r|kit)|usqp)","\\b[^&]*"),"g"),r=t.replace(n,"").replace(/^[?&]/,"");return r?"? Local news, breaking news, weather and traffic, Local sports from Kokomo and Howard County, Peru couple arrested on multiple narcotic charges, Communities honor Rev. "),N();this.fPt.push(i),this.cPt();var s=e.__AMP_OBJECT_STRING__;if(s){this.pPt=Math.min(2e3,Math.max(1e3,this.pPt+500)),"FIRST_MUTATE");var a={};switch(n&&Pt(n)&&(a.event=Pt(n)),r){case"setState":return this.setStateWithExpression(s,a);case"pushState":return this.pushStateWithExpression(s,a);default:return Promise.reject(Y().createError("Unrecognized method: %s.%s",o,r))}}else $().error("AMP-BIND","Please use the object-literal syntax, e.g. via amp-bind) require opt-in. ",2);return r[0]+(r[1]?"?".concat(r[1],"&").concat(e):"?".concat(e))+(i[1]? (arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2],i={};return this.hPt.forEach((function(o){var s=o.boundProperties,a=o.element;n&&!e.zPt(n,a)||s.forEach((function(n){var o=t[n.expressionString];if(void 0!==o){var s=e.VPt(n,a,o);if(s){var u=a.tagName,l=n.expressionString,,h=s.actual,f=s.expected;i["".concat(u,"[").concat(c,"]").concat(f,":").concat(h)]=!0,r&&$().warn(fe,"Default value (".concat(h,") does not match first ")+"result (".concat(f,") for <").concat(u," [").concat(c,']="')+"".concat(l,'">. (self.AMP=self.AMP||[]).push({m:0,v:"2207071723000",n:"amp-sidebar",ev:"0.1",l:!0,f:function(t,e){!function(){function e(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}function n(t,e){return(n=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t})(t,e)}function i(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&n(t,e)}function r(t){return(r=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(t){return t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)})(t)}function o(t){return(o="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype? La Cave de Montbonnot 810 Rue Gnral de Gaulle, Montbonnot-Saint-Martin, ara 38330 . (r=t,e=(r.ownerDocument||r).defaultView,function(t,e){return _(t=function(t){return t.__AMP_TOP||(t.__AMP_TOP=t)}(t),"ampdoc")}(e)).getAmpDoc(t):t;var e,r}function _(t,e){y(S(t,e));var r=function(t){var e=t.__AMP_SERVICES;return e||(e=t.__AMP_SERVICES={}),e}(t)[e];return r.obj||(y(r.ctor),y(r.context),r.obj=new r.ctor(r.context),y(r.obj),r.context=null,r.resolve&&r.resolve(r.obj)),r.obj}function S(t,e){var r=t.__AMP_SERVICES&&t.__AMP_SERVICES[e];return! (!n||!n.ctor)}var ot="__AMP__EXPERIMENT_TOGGLES",at=function(){function t(t){this.dr=t,,,this.yr=p()}var e=t.prototype;return e.has=function(t){return! (this.ESt[t]=r,e?r.getElementSignal(t,e):r.getRootSignal(t)):null},i.ySt=function(t,e,n,i){var r=q(n,void 0,$n);for(var o in r)i[o]=r[o];e(new di(n,t,i,!1))},n}(vi),Ri=function(){function t(t,e){this.Vs=t,this.SSt=e,this.Rr=[],this.ASt=0,this.t=P(e)}var e=t.prototype;return e.dispose=function(){this.Rr.forEach((function(t){t()}))},e.addTrigger=function(t,e){var n,i=this,r=t.on,s=hi(r),a=li(this.Vs.getType()),u=this.Vs.getTrackerForAllowlist(s,a);st(! There was a problem saving your notification. ",i)})),e},e.DAt=function(t,e){var n=this,i=this.cK.getMacros(this.Gn);return this.cK.expandTemplate(t,e,this.Gn).then((function(t){return Mt(n.Gn).expandUrlAsync(t,i)}))},e.xAt=function(){return"googleanalytics"===this.wM&&"googleanalytics"===this.Xi.getMetaByName("amp-google-client-id-api")&&this.Xi.registerSingleton(2)},e.UAt=function(){var t=at(,"platform");return t.isSafari()&&t.getMajorVersion()>=12},e.LAt=function(t){var e=this.d_;for(var n in e)this.RAt[n]&&(t=this.jAt(t,n,e[n]));return t},e.jAt=function(t,e,n){var i=this.lR.parse(t);if(this.HAt(i,e,n)&&this.FAt(i)){var r=Ge("1",this.RAt[e]);if(r){var o={};return o[e]=r,function(t,e){for(var n=W(se(t).search),i={},r=Object.keys(e),o=0;o element. If you have information concerning the exact current location of anyone named in a warrant, you should contact the Howard County Sheriff's Office at 765.457 . Conduct a Search for Any Person's Marriage or Public Records. (w("none"===(o=s=s.toLowerCase())||"focus"===o||"select"===o,"Unknown keyboard-select-mode: ".concat(s)),w(! (!i||!i.ctor)}var x=function(t){return E(t,"viewport")},C=function(){function t(t,e,i,n){this.element=e,this.js=n,,this.turn=0==i?Math.floor(4*Math.random()):0,this.mR=null,this.Pu=x(t)}var e=t.prototype;return e.Ns=function(t){var e=this.mR;if(! !t["chrome-animation-worklet"]&&"animationWorklet"in CSS&&"inabox"!=q(this.t).runtime&&! The column also mentioned an upcoming, exciting new business model as the newspaper transitioned to a biweekly paper, but the changes never came. In this week's Kokomo Perspective, we criticize the county's new nepotism policy, which grants broad power to the county commissioners, to decide whether or not someone can hire a relative.. Pass a JSON expression or an element instead e.g. ",this.element)),this.ft||(this.ft=this.AU(),this.element.appendChild(this.ft)),this.element.hasAttribute("auto-resize")&&X().warn(ee,"auto-resize attribute is deprecated and its behavior is disabled. The paper also published public vitals each week, providing information about citizens' court happenings, arrests, mug shots, marriages, divorces, causes of death, and obituaries. ");if(i.push(a),u!==a)if(s>n)Object.assign(u,a);else for(var c=0,h=Object.keys(a);c element. Following those raids, the police chief at the time offered a warning that proved to be true. "patternMismatch":e},r.showValidationFor=function(t,e){var n=this.getValidationFor(t,e);if(n){n.textContent.trim()||(n.textContent=t.validationMessage),t.__AMP_VISIBLE_VALIDATION=n;var r=n.getAttribute("id");r||(r=this.S$(),n.setAttribute("id",r)),t.setAttribute("aria-invalid","true"),t.setAttribute("aria-describedby",r),this.mutator.mutateElement(n,(function(){return n.classList.add("visible")}))}},r.hideValidationFor=function(t){var e=this.getVisibleValidationFor(t);e&&(delete t.__AMP_VISIBLE_VALIDATION,t.removeAttribute("aria-invalid"),t.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"),this.mutator.mutateElement(e,(function(){return e.classList.remove("visible")})))},r.getVisibleValidationFor=function(t){return t.__AMP_VISIBLE_VALIDATION},r.shouldValidateOnInteraction=function(t){throw Error("Not Implemented")},r.onInteraction=function(t){var,n=! * mustache.js - Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript | All Rights Reserved. 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