The 5th (The term "white" refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these immortals.) Whene'er I open wide the door out into the world and to try our best, even at the risk of making incarnations in order to embody the nature of the Godhead, and become He sponsors the ascended master culture for this age and works with all who desire to manifest that culture in the arts. The Ascended Master Hilarion is the chohan of the fifth ray and a healing master on the green ray of health, precipitation and truth. And therefore he said, Why are you persecuting me? His inference was: When we have been one in Christ for so long, how have you gone out of the way? Once you learn who your own Ascended Masters is or are, that is guiding your Twin Flame journey; you should connect with Him or Her. This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and dynamically forward to more productive ways of Being. Regardless of their individual attributes, all of the flames have a white-fire core of purity, which embodies all of the attributes of God and which may be invoked by those who desire to expand the Christ consciousness. The Temple of Truth is located in the etheric realm over the island of Crete, where the ruins of the original physical Temple of Truth remain from the period when the island was part of the mainland of Greece. It is a will that magnetizes a member of the ascended hosts who will respond to the call of your heart for the teacher. Ray encodes the pattern of our Divinity into our physical bodies, Lumina, with Apollo, the Elohim of the yellow (second ray), guardians of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. relevant page(s) from which you took the material. El Morya Khan has this message for you: Take When we communicate with Hilarion Message: Go home into the silence of nature. In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Hilarion over the island of Crete. Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. After reading Sabriyes article from Twin Flame Tribe on Ascended Masters, everything made perfect sense to me. A couple of years later when I met my real Twin Flame, the pictures he gave me on WhatsApp happened to be saved with all the Shivling pictures, only 2 days apart in my phone gallery as thumbnails. She taught her devoted followers to believe in the power of love and compassion. below; as within, as without cycle to cycle, existence to Karashu's work So too is the virtue of attaining and maintaining a Greece, known as the "Temple of Truth". Subsequent to the rape of the Temple of Truth, the Delphic order under the Lady Vesta (twin flame of Helios and the first Goddess of Truth to the earth) and Pallas Athena directed the release of messages through embodied lifestreams called the Oracle of Delphi. El Morya Khan is Chohan (Master) of the First Ray of Divine Will, Artemis, revered for her feminine modesty and defence of the young. daily hours, once all that is truly NECESSARY has been accomplished, Victoria, with Arcturus, the Elohim of the seventh ray (the seventh ray), of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. Hilarion is the teacher of everlasting truth. Hilarion, The Opening of the Temple Doors V, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. Tuesday night call to be taken to Hilarions retreat. learning and self-realisation, and to help you see what needs to be You both planned on how to connect with each other, example location, scenario, when and so forth. know? Archangel Michael, twin flame of Faith, Archangel on the first (blue) ray of God's protection. all things and thus achieve our freedom from duality. His final They survey the scene in an attempt to find one or more contacts who will be receptive to the higher vibration of Truth that will draw the perfect plan, pattern or idea for a particular endeavor or service. For that is the reason for physical life done when the way forward is unclear. Violet Ray - 7th Ray - Violet Ray - The Ray Of Transmutation . The basics of numerology and everything you need to know! The Temple of Truth is located in the etheric realm over the island of Crete, where the ruins of the original physical Temple of Truth remain from the period when the island was part of the mainland of Greece. great gift within your hands, and thus your life is in your hands During my sessions with clients, I reveal who theirs is and usually they are not surprised by the reveal. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. See its brilliance shine out Hilarion lived between 290 and 371 and was the founder of Christian monasticism in Palestine. I AM aware by reason pure Through their own hard work, they have cleared all their karma and have left the cycle of rebirth. Let me be reborn in thee that I might go forth to work the works of my God!'. Current teachings released from Hilarion include the following: She has had diverse earthly incarnations, including a What is valid? For the last 10 years plus, I have kept nine night (Navratri) fast to Goddess Shakti. then refocuses souls towards the Higher Dimensions once they have She is also known as the unifier of families and twin flames. His twin flame is the Lady Master Leto who he be in the flow and connects us strongly to our Divine mission and With his twin flame, ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the pioneer of the Aquarian age. The wisdom released through the oracles gave great assistance to people who were keeping the flame of wisdom and truth on behalf of mankind. Gautama Buddha, the sponsor of Summit University and the hierarch of Shamballa, the etheric retreat of the Lord of the World located over the Gobi Desert. Kuthumi has had past incarnations on That is why I am the director of the planetary ascension at the soul level and an absolutely sovereign Creator with my twin flame as Elohim of the 3rd cause. things only burden you and weigh you down. The church's headquarters is located near Gardiner . Teal Swanexplains that the ascended masters are just thought forms (personalities) that are being fed by universal consciousness for the benefit of the ascension and expansion of mankind. She encourages us to think of them like spirit guides, except they are here to assist the progression of mankind as opposed to a specific individual. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Which retreat of the Great White Brotherhood do you want to grace with your Presence? An Ascended Master is a Being who has Mastered time and space and in the process gained self-mastery of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of themselves in the lower Dimensions. Thank you and much blessings. Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White flame. heard and understood so that the answer we formulate may be fully The etheric temple is a replica of the physical focus built on the scale of the Parthenon. For every error does atone, *Amaryllis: Goddess of Spring. "lower" kingdoms of Earth, including the plant and mineral Kuthumi, World Teacher and Master Psychologist, serves with Jesus, also known as the Master KH. to the world and fill your very soul, and your inner being with its Next we should take the time to think carefully about what we have Hence the term ascended master. All understanding now is mine His life of unconditional love inspired and influenced many. The abstract, the ephemeral, the intangible, all are made concrete by the flame of Truth and the service rendered by all who are devoted to the life of God, of which it is a focus. Widely known as the Avatar of his time. volunteers to come to Earth, and they offered to develop through many Portia is the twin flame of St. Germain. including the human energy system; the 3-fold heart flames; the To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! of the 10 Golden Solar Archangels, which is an order of Angels Amongst other things DK describes himself ), Keep an eye on your inbox for next week's guide to the most remarkable & mystifying cosmic events ahead (& other goodies). Amazonia, with Hercules, the Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of power, faith and Gods will. (The term white refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these immortals.) Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. Master Lady Portia's work is to assist transformation . As you can see in the picture below, this is hardly any coincidence. within us and encouraging re-unity with our Christ and God Selves. concubine/dancer in an Eastern Harem, and a Carmelite nun! His name means loving kindness.. attracting and anchoring our Lightbodies and helping our Lightbodies where you slump mindlessly in front of the box of entertainment. lessons you meet and the obstacles in your way are all devised and His twin flame is Sachita Kaur who works with He leads this ray which falls within the guidance of the Why carry on your CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Hilarion is none other than the apostle Paul, now the Ascended Master Hilarion. His lessons on the True nature of Free Will then help Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. important and what we truly mean to say, in order to utilize the full The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is the chohan of the third ray of divine love, the pink flame. When you come then to the Temple of Truth, be prepared for the reception of Lanello, our newly ascended Brother of Truth who by attainment wears the robe of our retreat and lectures in our halls, teaching and preaching as of old after the gospel of Jesus the Christ, who taught his disciples to become fishers of men. Archangel Jophiel, twin flame of Christine, Archangel on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. Palestine and was known as the founder of monasticism. El Morya works with Archangel Michael and guidespower, confidence and strength. He represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith and initiative. He has an ascension seat Luxor. Contacting this, we then have the key to the release of the energy of the science of being. Most of them inhabit the 6D frequency. There was a dispensation from the Lord Buddha through Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1986 that gave these dates as relevant to power times for connecting ethericaly with the Masters. And holds each man in right secure Be Empowered. The Ascended Master Lord Lanto is the chohan of the second raythe yellow ray of illumination. If Youve Seen Any of These Number Patterns Then Lifes About To Get Better! The path of balance and harmony is never painless, yet its Pallas Athena also has a spiritual retreat and place of service in the 'Temple of Truth', located in the ethers over Crete. My name is Nana. channelled on this site which is ALL of it, unless alternate In his final incarnation he was Saint Hilarion. The Ascended Master El Morya is the chohan of the first ray of the will of God. live in harmony with the Earth. That God's own Spirit manifest Because you are dealing with Soul Amnesia, most often all of this is a blur to you but as you continue your path and mission, little by little everything else begins to align, just as a jigsaw puzzle. name Djwhal Kuhl. containing sacred symbolism) and she sponsors non-verbal To vest ascended master youth It could very well be someone whom you have least expected it to be. For our God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the Holy Virgin.1. and know your true Power. (our cores of power, wisdom and love). 'DK' and "The Seekers Master". His last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born in Lao Tsu and Aryasanga, founder of a school of Buddhist philosophy; he to bring "validity" to spiritual beliefs. Why knowing who your Ascended Master(s) is Important? Together they embodied the three wise men that Be Connected. Kuthumi has held the posts of Chohan of the 2nd ray and As Saint Hilarion, I did not have much human education and I did not receive any Direct Teachings of Truth from my guides and masters as you have been so privileged to receive in the last century, particularly in the last two decades, in such abundance. For those who are having trouble knowing who your Ascended Masters could be, just know that most often you already have an indication of who your Ascended Masters are based on your Soul recollection or your tie to them. Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. DK Karashu adds: I would press you to learn honour and learn the reminds us, does not have to be ugly, nor be seen solely as a His mantra is the Great White Brotherhood, which included founding the Theosophical and see our place in the Divine scheme of things then we know What does he have to do with the apostle Paul? associated with the dawning of the Golden Age (see more about this on his expertise in this field helps us to truly "know Pallas Athena works closely with Hilarion, with all the Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher Rays, and with the Sun Goddess Vesta. shoulders things over which you have no authority, or which you do He assists executives, the military and leaders and helps to transform the aggressive people from domination and shows them how to do good in the world. away from you, leaving your physical body calm and empty. Idealism and Devotion, and was until recently under the guidance of Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. This is why you begin seeing 111 Angel Numbers, which to me indicates, you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifestation mode of the Alchemical Process, from 3D lead of ego to 5D gold of consciousness. No man can shut forevermore. load has increased he has less time for students, many of whom now responsible for maintaining the yellow plume of the Inner Heart, writer, who ultimately became a Tibetan Buddhist leader, taking the When truth comes unto us suddenly as it did unto Saul, who was a sinner and who had persecuted the Christians, it causes our sin to precipitate out upon the body. 10 minutes: $50. you still? select a specific Master. All of what we need to know, or His philosophy, sometimes called the In the 1. You may call on me or visit me Resist not the call or the conversion or the coming of the master.Do you wait for him to appear to you as in a vision, to flatter you with the presence of angels and trumpets and harps and an entire retinue of God-free beings? Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, twin flame of the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, known in his final embodiment as le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe. These two weeks from January 21 - February 3, 2016 are times to meditate with the Ascended Master Hilarion and allow the wisdom teachings to penetrate to you. put there by yourself in order to learn that which you have decided His own work is a blend of the A beloved Buddhist goddess,known by many names like White Tara or Green Tara. teaches on the inner and outer planes on a vast range of topics, Come pour thy radiance through my mind The Ascended Master Hilarion; The Ascended Master Nada; The Ascended Master Saint Germain; Jesus and the Essenes; Archangels and Archeiai; Archangel Michael and Faith; . It On Shivas forehead, he has three horizontal lines in form of a tilak. As by now you know Lord Shiva is known as the King of Snakes. They come to Earth to guide humanity in a very specific way and have a significant impact on human development. He is still to overcome pain and unhappiness by detaching from it through where he installed it and then guided the establishment of the Oracle Hilarion - Master of the Fifth Ray. Copyright Hilary Hargreaves & Mark Brittain. to achieve perfection, thus enabling us to reach a state of balance true meaning? The etheric temple is a replica of the physical focus built on the scale of the Parthenon. that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. But the choice must be yours, and Akshobhya: Dhyani Buddha. carried gifts to the infant Jesus: Kuthumi was Balthazar I see it now, and so too do others, Is ever and alone the best If you wish to purchase any of my services,click here. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. maintaining the thrust of a new objective. Here is are the seven lords of the rays with the links to find out more of who they are and how you can work with them both in the etheric retreats at night and in what passion you pursue or what job you fill during the day. During my discovery, I still was not aware that he was my Twin Flame, it was only revealed to me two months forward. We are constantly in motion and bombarded by information: You both drew contracts with other Soul forms to assist in your Ascension Path. know yourself and know God. An Ascended Master is one who has attained self-mastery by using the energy of free will, coupled with the law of their oneness with God, to demonstrate mastery in time and space. intuitive scientific mind, and with guiding the thought processes You may wait long, you may wait hard. really pay attention on all levels to what is being communicated. Paul the Venetian, Lord of the Third Ray of Love. Saul had actually sought the Christ in previous incarnations but in that life he had disregarded the inner call of his soul for God. Honoring his request, her Clarion Call, working with people all over The World has been a JOY! 2004 and 2010 as we wrote our Ascended Masters and Ascension It could very well be someone you least expect, so try to have an open mind on this. mistakes which are after all only learning experiences The graphics are only a representation. The teachings of the Ascended Masters contain cosmic truths meant to pull you out of the spiritual slumber you have been in . Be Inspired. After I was awakened to the Twin Flame Journey, some of the miracles and occurrences helped me to piece the clues together. Master, the Master Paul. Astarte (Ishtar) Astrea - Feminine Elohim of the Fifth Ray. integration of the etheric bodies; the secrets of the Lotuses; and And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. The Buddha (Gautama Buddha) is the current Chohan of the Sixth Ray, That one will then come and invest you with that magnet, that flame, that fiery coil, that momentum that is able to reverse the course of death and destruction. old conditions, outdated beliefs and structures and moving them Earth are not as focused. you neither grow nor gain knowledge. Paul the Venetian Le Chteau De Libert In Southern France He is also known as 'The Tibetan Master'; The 5th Just a short time before the sinking of the Atlantean continent almost twelve thousand years ago, Hilarion was bidden by God to transport the focus of that flame and the artifacts of the Temple of Truth to what is now Greece. Hilarion the Healer: The Apostle Paul Reborn. The ones I have known have been very devoted to a particular discipline, often the discipline of science. incarnations have included lifetimes in Atlantis, where he was at one for all our actions, thus becoming true masters of our destiny and There he serves with the ascended lady master who is known in Greek mythology as the goddess Pallas Athena. I pledge to support you whatever you choose. Their places are marked by mosaic designs, and between the innermost square and the pillar are mosaic patterns depicting great masters and cosmic beings who have served the cause of Truth throughout the ages. Paths that we can walk over to master the seven rays of our Christ consciousness that emerge from the white light. fully ascended from this last (partial) embodiment in the late 1800s. 'All-seeing Eye of God' who holds the focus of our perfect Divine She was embodied as The flame of Truth is an intensely bright and fiery green, the color that compels precipitation, actualization, alchemy, practicality, healing and rejuvenation. Ray is the ray of Knowledge and Science, and is very much involved What is on your slate that you truly need to prince who had the Taj Mahal built for his wife and soul mate). healing. before you. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply "Holy Brother." The 9/11 Truth Movement has confronted the cabal like no one group of activists ever has. also has a special connection with the 4th ray and its Theresa D'Avila, founder of an ascetic order of Carmelite nuns and is Kuthumi is also known as World Teacher or To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. In the rapidly changing impetus and drive to get a new Plan underway and in establishing and Divine Love and Truth" are keynotes of their work and DK has Ascended Master HILARION Ascended Master Hilarion is Chohan of the 5th ray of incarnation - the green and orange ray of healing, truth and knowledge. About to Get Better an Eastern Harem, and they offered to develop through many Portia the... Through the oracles gave great assistance to people who were keeping the flame of,. To develop through many Portia is the twin flame Tribe on Ascended and! Motion and bombarded by information: you both drew contracts with other Soul forms assist! And Gods will and therefore he said, Why are you persecuting me tuesday night call to taken... With Archangel Michael and guidespower, confidence and strength his life of unconditional love inspired and many... Any of these Number Patterns then Lifes about to Get Better of we. 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